Hey, I’m Aarti Sequeira
Food Personality and Journalist
I love bringing people together around the table! I’m a former news (CNN) and documentary (HBO’s “Sand and Sorrow”) producer turned Food Network host and cookbook author. I’m a multicultural mutt with a polyglot palate (born in India, raised in Dubai, schooled by Brits, married to a Boston Irishman and now, mother to biracial children); I believe the wider my worldview, the more open my heart.
A journalist by trade and a cook by obsession, I’m addicted to discovering recipes that reveal a moment in a culture’s history and how it can help us understand where we are now. (And coffee. I’m also addicted to coffee.) I’m on a quest to bring us back to the table so we can relish our loved ones, embrace future friends and give thanks to the One from whom all good things come. I create cookbooks, appear on your TV and… I wrote this.
My New Cookbook Unwind
Many of us walk into the kitchen after a full day of work, responsibilities, anxieties, conflicts… and say, “Now I have to cook?!”
I’ve noticed it is a familiar feeling for many to crave joy, comfort, peace, hope… and the only way I found all of those feelings was by inviting God into the kitchen with me. Setting the scene for the intimacy of a meal shared takes time, thought, and prayer.
That is why I teamed up DaySpring to create “Unwind: A Devotional Cookbook for the Harried and Hungry” for you! It’s something I’ve never seen before: a devotional cookbook. 50 devotions with 50 accompanying recipes, some simple, some a little complex, some meant to draw you into the relaxed cooking of the weekend… all inspired by the One who created the bounty before us and the taste buds on our palate to savor it.
My Journal
I've always loved writing. When I was little, I'd create little books, writing a story and drawing pictures to accompany them. I graduated to a pink diary when I was a bit older, complete with a lock and key! And so it only made sense that, as an adult, that pink diary would transform to a blog. Here you'll find ideas, stories, tips and recipes about all my favorite things...family, faith, culture, traditions, great conversation and of course… delicious food.

To know me is to know my obsessive rabbit trails. Yes, sometimes it’s ingredients or places, but sometimes it’s the products that are making my curls bounce with joy or the workout that makes me feel strong. Sometimes it’s even those videos of people getting chiropractic work that I find strangely satisfying. Whatever it is, whether it’s appealing to my eyes, ears, nose, mouth or skin, I’m sharing it with you...
We’re all part of a family, by birthright or by choice. I am grateful to be able to share stories about my own family and "fr-amily" (friend family) and the ways we’re succeeding at being each other’s safe place.

We’re all part of a family, by birthright or by choice. Here I’m sharing stories about my own family and fr-amily (friend family) and the ways we’re succeeding at being each other’s safe place.

When I reach the end of my days, all I want is to hear the Lord say, “Well done good and faithful servant.” This is where I share how I’m working toward that goal.